Grayed out background of the PBIS pyramid Bottom large green trapezoid representing tier 1 of the PBIS pyramid
Tier 1


Schoolwide PBIS (SWPBIS) is an organizational framework, developed by each school to match its culture and context. The SWPBIS framework supports desired behavioral and achievement outcomes for all students through a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) utilizing evidence-based practices and interventions. When implemented well, SWPBIS contributes to:

  • Common, consistent language and experiences

  • Positive school climate

  • Increases in student achievement and prosocial behavior

  • Higher attendance rates for all

  • Improved staff longevity

  • Reduced need for intensive student supports
    Efficient use of resources

Schools using the PBIS framework use a team approach to make data-based decisions about the systems and practices used throughout the school in both classroom and non-classroom areas. School teams use the Implementation Blueprint designed by the National PBIS Technical Assistance Center to establish a continuum of supports with fidelity and sustainability. 

Building a solid Tier 1 foundation is crucial to success.

The multi-year process begins with creating a PBIS Leadership team, identifying a behavioral purpose statement, establishing and teaching common school-wide expectations. Next, school teams develop a continuum of reinforcement and acknowledgment for appropriate behavior and a continuum of consequences for discouraging inappropriate behavior. The explanations and examples provided below are parts of a comprehensive and sustainable implementation plan.

 Purpose Statement

School teams create a purpose statement to identify the social and behavioral climate of the school. Purpose statements are stated positively, brief, supportive of academic and behavioral achievement and applicable to the entire school community.

Schoolwide Expectations

With input from all school populations, 3-5 schoolwide expectations are developed to match a school's culture, values and priorities. These schoolwide expectations are used as the basis for a school-wide behavior matrix. The schoolwide expectations are then clearly defined and established for all areas of the school (Whole school, hallways, cafeteria, etc). The schoolwide behavior matrix is displayed and referenced throughout the school, shared with families, and used as a tool to teach expectations to students.

Teaching and prompting expectations

Once schoolwide expectations are identified, students are explicitly taught the expectations in the natural settings and within the routines the expectations are performed. Reteaching and prompting occurs continuously.The focus is on guiding students to be successful by teaching behavioral expectations in the same way that academic content is taught.

Reinforcement and Aknowledgment

Schoolwide expectations are continuously reinforced and acknowledged by school staff in a variety of ways to encourage students to participate in prosocial and desired behavior. Students are recognized when they exhibit appropriate behavior. Each school designs acknowledgement systems to match their values, priorities and expectations. Student success is celebrated!

 Continuum of Consequences

Responding to behavioral errors includes reteaching, redirecting and consistency. SWPBIS teams work within their schools to differentiate between minor (teacher managed) behaviors and major (office managed) behaviors so students receive similar messaging throughout the entire school building. Systems are designed for staff to successfully implement a continuum of respectful and logical consequences in response to undesirable behavior with teaching desired behavior as the top priority. Behavioral errors are documented through a School-wide Information System (SWIS) so school teams can address problems with precision, intervene appropriately and progress monitor effectiveness.

Staff Buy-In

SWPBIS implementation begins with a strong team! However, the whole school staff needs to be “on board” for SWPBIS to maximize its impact and sustain. Developing and maintaining staff buy-in is an integral step. Providing meaningful professional development, establishing momentum, gathering input from all stakeholders, sharing outcome and fidelity data regularly are all ways to encourage staff buy-in. Plus, just as students are acknowledged for exhibiting appropriate behavior, so are staff members!

Comprehensive Framework

SWPBIS is a comprehensive framework to guide schools in making data-based decisions to meet the needs of all while developing a positive school climate matching the school culture! 

Implementing SWPBIS also includes:

  • Initiative alignment

  • Evaluating discipline policies

  • Bullying prevention

  • Examining equity

  • Outcome and fidelity evaluation

  • Sustainability practices

  • And much more...

Want to Know More about School-wide Tier 1?

SWPBIS for Beginners

Missouri's Universal Tier 1 Overview


Vermont's Universal Tier 1 Overview

Want to begin implementation in your school? 

SWPBIS implementation is most successful with external coaching support.

See our Contact page for University affiliates and Northeast PBIS trainers to get you started!